Marcus Biel
A craftsman’s guide to designing a clean architecture

Discussion: Issue #168

Software architecture is usually seen as this big, complex thing that no-one really understands; that grows organically; and that needs to be refactored when it is “complete”. But does it really always have to be like this? With all the effort put into architecture – and all the pain this approach usually gives us in the end – is it really worth the effort to even think about it? Wouldn’t we be better off without explicitly focusing on the architecture? Join this session to learn a system to create loosely coupled, maintainable, and clean architecture. We need to understand the modular approach to its core combined with both object-oriented and domain-driven design principles. Lastly, we’ll see how the concept can be used to design a clean architecture on a larger scale. In doing so, we’ll take a look at the pros/cons of implementing microservices architecture, and how the clean architecture approach helps to design good microservices.

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