Corey Haines, Jim Coplien, Bob Martin
Two short videos

Two short videos again. The Roman Numerals kata has been mentioned in the talk we watched last time, so I thought it would be nice to watch a rather elegant solution to it with commentary. In the first video, Corey Haines will perform the kata using Uncle Bob’s TPP transformations. (On a personal note, there is a minor optimization problem that keeps annoying me in the resulting code - other than that it is written in Ruby :-P - however, the algorithm is way more elegant and simple than what I’d expected when I first watched this video.)

After watching this somewhat idealized TDD session (there’s no GUI, no database, no other nasty boundaries, no architectural challenges like those, etc.), we’ll have plenty of time to watch another short session: a debate about Uncle Bob’s harsh statement about TDD being a hard requirement for the title of a professional developer between the Master himself and Jim Coplien. (Coplien is a software pioneer in Object Oriented programming, C++ and multi-paradigm design. He is also co-author of DCI paradigm which is also an interesting model from which Uncle Bob’s “Screaming Architecture” seems to borrow a lot of ideas.) The debate covers a lot of topics, e.g. TDD vs. Design by Contract, the minimum amount of up-front architecture needed to keep a system consistent with the business domain model, etc.

Join us any time and get to be a better coder!
